Friday 10 December 2010

The Spice extends life...

Through skilled mastery of the weirding module utilizing his own name as a killing word, Ginger, known by his chosen name: Muad’Dib, overthrows the evil Harkonnen family and the scheming Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV. He leads his loyal Fremen to victory over the Emperors elite Sardaukar troops, gaining complete control of the mining planet Arrakis therefore assuring his monopoly of spice production, and after avaneging his fathers murder he no longer needs the weirding module and can finally command the rain.  Millie, Ginger’s sister born with the wisdom of a Reverend Mother, then proclaims to the assembled:
“And how can this be?” The crowd is silenced in awe, “Because he is the Kwitsatz Haderach!”

The Screen at Kamchanod (2007)
Creepy Hide and Seek (2009) - Hitori Kakurenbo: Gekijo-ban

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