Sunday 12 December 2010

Well, you can live on it, but it taste like sh*t.

Teenage Mugger: [Ginger and Millie are approached by a youth stepping out from the shadows, followed by some others] You got a light, buddy?
Ginger "Crocodile" the cat: Yeah, sure kid.
[Reaches for lighter]
Teenage Mugger: [flicks open switchblade] And your wallet!
Millie: [guardedly] Ginge, give him your wallet.
Ginger "Crocodile" the cat: [amused] What for?
Millie: [cautiously] He's got a knife.
Ginger "Crocodile" the cat: [chuckles] That's not a knife.
[he pulls out a large bowie knife]
Ginger "Crocodile" the cat: Now THAT's a knife.
Teenage Mugger: Sh*t!
[he and his friends run off]
Ginger "Crocodile" the cat: [to Millie] Just some kids having fun. You all right?
Millie: [relieved] I'm always all right when I'm with you, Ginger.

The Naked Gun (1988)
Face (2004) - Peiseu

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